Students read about different personality traits measured in this test and decide where they fit on the scale.
The main steps are:
Reading comprehension.
Reflect and Speak about your personality.
Optional: further reading and careers advice role-play.
Explain that the Myers-Briggs test is a personality test used by many professional organisations to determine someone's strengths and ideal career path. It's based on four principal measures These are sensation, intuition, feeling, and thinking.
Give each student information about 1 of the 4 measures from this document.
Once students have read their page, put them in groups with classmates who have read the other catagories. Each student must summarise their criteria, and explain where they are on the scale before helping their classmates determine where they lie.
At the end of the activity each student should have four charts like this:

They then use their charts to find their personality type. The student above is ENFJ, which means they are "extrovert" "intuitive" "Feeling" "Judging". Show them their personality type here:
Follow up 1
Follow up, get your students to complete the short free test on the 16personalities site to see if the results match their earlier prediction.
Follow up 2
Ask questions like these:
What guidance do/did you get at school for choosing a career path?
How helpful might these things prove in helping students decide their future?

In my context, questions on this topic have usually led to complaints about a lack of careers guidance at school, which means I can say "don't worry - were going to fix that now!"
Main Activity
Each student reads what it says about their partner on the personality types page. (there is a huge amount of information so you may want to direct them towards specific aspects such as Strengths & Weaknesses or Career Paths).

After researching their partners profile, they then offer them careers advice based on their findings.