Vocabulary Review
•Put them in 2 teams, give each team a mini whiteboard. Have a traditional Noughts & Crosses board on the whiteboard.
•This is how this version of noughts and crosses works:
•One team picks the word to be used. Both teams have one minute to write the longest sentence they can. Pens down after one minute.
•Then they take it in turns to read their sentences out loud, slowly (for the teacher’s sanity). As they are reading the teacher listens and puts a dot on the board for each word used correctly. If you have time board the mistakes/corrections. When the student has finished reading the sentence count the number of dots and talk through any mistakes. Repeat for the other team. Team with the highest numbers of dots wins the square.
•Repeat with the other team choosing the square and reading first.
•Squares can be shared, three in a row wins.
•The idea behind them is to push them to write longer sentences but not rewarding them if they write nonsense. Key rule is no listing (I like eating raw fish, pizza, tomatoes, apples,…)
•After the first round I stop and share with them how to extend the sentence. Ideas include:
•Replacing words with phrases, with mine I hate became I really hate which became I really can’t stand
•Adding adjectives and adverbs
•Extra clauses; which is, and, but, Although
•Comparisons and Conditionals
Power Point here as an example but it's not necessary. Easy to write the words on the board!
