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The Fox

Writer: JamesJames

What Does the Fox Say? is an incredibly irritating song for most adults, but a fantastic teaching resource. Kids love it because it's catchy and repetitive and it has loads of language.

I've attached a powerpoint at the bottom of the post.


Slide 2: The dog goes "woof".
Slide 3: Chorus "What does the fox say?"

Slide 2: Elicit what each animal says and click to check. The focus here isn't so much on the sounds (woof, croak, etc.) but on the structure "dogs goes...", "bird goes...." which is more practical. Click on the Play button (bottom right) to play the whole verse.

Slide 3: For the chorus, drill the key language ("What does the fox say?") then click on the video to play. Each time it gets to the phrase, turn the volume down so students shout the missing line. (This method is outlined more cearly in my post Teaching Functional Language with Music).

Slide 4: The verse (part 1)
Slide 5: The verse (part 2)

Slides 4 and 5: Click on the images to play the relevant parts of the song then point and elicit the language (and click to check/reveal). Click on the Play button (bottom right) to play the whole verse.

Slide 6: Images of Verse Lyrics to Print (3 sets)
Slide 7: Table to insert lyrics to print (2 sets).

Slides 6&7: Students cut out the images from 6 and place them in the correct boxes in 7. Then listen to the song to check before sticking them in. (This can then be used in future classes to elicit the lyrics).

The Power Point


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