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Wealth Inequality Pie!

Writer: DaveDave

This is a speaking based lesson plan for higher levels, I have done it with B2, C1 & C2 learners. It's based on a video on YouTube about wealth inequality.


First few slides of the PowerPoint are for discussion. Most issues come up with the general, first slide. The other slides are to add a bit of vocabulary and can be used to manage feedback.

When you get to the sixth slide ask them about the idea of wealth inequality and check they understand the term.

Watch the first 50 seconds or so of the video.

Pause and get the students, working in pairs, to divide the wealth (10 pieces of pie) up as they suppose it is. Have slide 7 up on the screen for them to refer to. Clarify that each group represent 20% of the population, stating with the 20% richest. Give them the handout with some phrases they can use as they discuss.

Either swap the pairs around to see if people had similar ideas or have a class feedback session.

Then have the students watch the video and see how close you they were.

Use the last slide to have the students, in pairs or small groups, discuss the issues and ideas raised by the video.


This generated a lot of discussion in my classes. I hope it works equally well in yours.


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