Young learner lesson with common action verbs, based around a classic Mr Bean clip.

Mr Bean clips are always effective with primary-aged students because they are so visual and (for an 8-year old) funny.
This lesson has 3 main stages:
Predict and draw what ridiculous things Mr Bean will do to a palace guard.
Watch a 3 minute section of the video below to check predictions (video bingo)
Sequence the events, focusing on useful actions phrases like:
Breaks ... Shouts at ...
Cleans... Moves...
Pre-Video Warmer
Show the powerpoint below
Slide 1
Students come up with things you can see/do in London.
Slide 2
Where is this? (Buckingham palace)
Who lives here? (The Queen)
Slide 3
What must the soldier do?
What can’t he do?
Perhaps get students to write down 4 things in pairs.
They can’t move, They must stand, etc.
Slide 4
Whole class: brainstorm some things Mr Bean might do. (board some of the things Mr Bean will do, alongside some red herrings)
Then get them to draw 6 on a mini whiteboard (it's a good idea to set a strict time limit for this part).

Students Exchange boards
Play the video from 33:30 to 37:30. Students tick their partners pictures as they see them on the video and shout out when they get 3 right.
After the video, students tell each other which they had got right.
Post Video
Give students the sentences from the Sorting Activity document below to put in order.
(there are 2 options, present or past tense, depending on level).
You can then skip through the video to check
Bonus material
The soldier is clearly pretty cross with Mr Bean, what's going to happen next?
Board students suggestions "I think he's going to...." before playing 37:30 - 39:30
Follow up activity
In a future class, use slide 6 or 7 (present or past) to review the great action verbs that came up in the clip.