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Harvey Does Housework.

Writer: JamesJames

A funny advert with activities to review daily chores, with collocations like “cut the grass”, “wash the clothes”, “cook the dinner”, etc.


I’ve included two different PowerPoints:

Option 1: Download the PowerPoint below with integrated video and animations (works great if you have an UpToDate Microsoft office package).

Option 2: Alternatively, if you don't have office here is a more basic web-based version.


(slide numbers refer to Harvey does housework with video)

Slide 2: Show the video 0:00-0:17 in which a couple is choosing their pet dog.

Slide 3: Show the three options “Which would you choose?”.

Explain that that Harvey (option 3) is a very special dog because he does lots of things to help in the house.

Slide 4: Show them the chores. "Which of these things could a dog do?"

Slide 5: Give students the pictures (Slide 10) to cut out and place in the table (Slide 11), then click on the images to review gluing them in place.

Slide 6: When the tables are complete, show the rest of the advert and get students to number each chore as they see it on screen.

Slide 7: Elicit the order of the tasks and use the slide to reveal.

Slides 8 and 9: Review the vocabulary.


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